Newbury Wood
Clonshaugh, Dublin
Affordable Housing Scheme
Working in conjunction with MOSTON building contractors we were selected by Dublin City Council housing department to develop a scheme of 59 social and affordable houses at a narrow infill site at Clonshaugh, Dublin 9. The development of the site required resolution of a particularly high number of site constraints including buried high voltage electrical cables, and associated rights of way, diversion of large scale surface water and foul drainage, as well as realignment of boundaries along the southern portion of the site. Three specific house types were developed to offer a varied streetscape and provide for differing levels of accommodation requirements. These house types represent modern re interpretations of traditional terraced and semi detached dwellings and are so laid out as to minimise wasted floor area, and provide flexible accommodation internally which benefits from the good southerly aspect enjoyed by every house. The houses are timber framed with masonry, brick and render external finishes in addition to being insulated well in excess of the minimum requirements so as to provide a long-term energy efficiency.
Client Dublin City Council
Year 2005-2007
Value > € 8 M
Scale 6034 Sq. m.